Friday, December 31, 2010


happy new year?
yes indeed!
change is good!
last new year i decided to chose a word for the year...
last year's word accept changed my world!
i have learned the importance of accepting others for what they are instead of what i want them to be...
i learned to accept myself for exactly what i am, to accept myself as the person God made me to be...
just now i decided on intent for this year....
intent: having the mind and will focused on a specific purpose...


  1. Thank you for visiting my blog. I like the wor "intent". I'm sure this word will serve you well in 2011. Finding purpose is so very improtant.

  2. I've had a word of the day before... an innocuous word like "belch" or something. I'm going to have to choose a meaningful word for 2011- a word of the year. Hmmm... what will it be?

  3. intent is a wonderful word Sarah....I like the idea of choosing a word for the year....I am going to think on this one....
    I also wanted to thank you for your encouraging words to me a while back....your kindness meant a great deal to me...thanks so much, I appreciate you.......
